SB Chauffeuring & Tours

About Owner Maria Caridad Yepez

Owner Maria Yepez SB Chauffeuring & Tours

On February 13th 2022 SB Chauffeuring & Tours® celebrated 15 years of serving Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Los Angeles, Pismo Beach and much more.

I can’t help but think back to the beginning of the business; it has been quite a ride. As with any business, we have gone through some wonderful and difficult times.

Having a background in hospitality and customer service, I always enjoyed talking to customers and making sure their needs were met. I was born and raised in South America, so I have the ability to speak with Spanish speaking customers, and make them feel comfortable to ask whatever questions they may have.

In 2007, I experienced a car ride that did not meet my expectations. I realized that I like to work with people who provide good service and treat everyone as the most important person. The lack of suitable service companies in the area gave me the idea to open a similar business, but offer something different, something better, focusing on customer service. I knew I did not want to change the appearance of the vehicles I had at the time, so the next logical step was opening a limo company. Since I had absolutely no prior knowledge on the subject, I proceeded to do all the requirements that were needed to open the business.

Once the business was opened, a lot of mistakes were made, from having the wrong name to the wrong color of cars. At the beginning of this adventure, I can remember parking outside some bars and night clubs and waiting for people that needed a ride home. There were two of us driving at that time, so we both worked at night for some time. Slowly but surely we started getting reservations to provide transportation to different events, which opened up our hours of operation and diversified our clients and transportation requests.

I, along with the other chauffeurs that have come along the way, have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people. Sometimes people engaged in conversations, and allowed us to learn something about our customers. Whether it was an airport transfer, a wine tour, or a wedding, we made sure we went the extra mile.

I love what I do, and I am thankful to continue serving all my customers, from the clients that have been with us from the beginning to the ones that have just joined our client list. I really enjoy talking to them and especially talking to the customers that need assistance with planning their event, be it a wine tour or planning the logistics for a wedding. Those are great opportunities to help and give them peace of mind knowing their transportation needs have been taken care of.

Owning SB Chauffeuring & Tours has given me the freedom to travel and experience the beautiful things other countries have to offer. It has also helped me appreciate good service. So in 2016, I had the opportunity to visit Turkey, and I fell in love with its beauty, its culture, and its people. I remember being in the car on the way to the hotel, and feeling a sense of belonging. I felt compelled to share this beautiful country with everyone I know. It is out of love and passion for Turkey, that I, along with my husband, decided to open Turkia Tours. A company dedicated to offering tours to and around Turkey. Our mission is to offer customers an experience of a lifetime. We want to do one country and do it well.

I look forward to the coming years operating SB Chauffeuring & Tours and continuing to offer the best service in the area. I also want to thank each one of my clients for trusting in SB Chauffeuring & Tours. We have always been dedicated to providing the best service regardless of the size of vehicle. SB Chauffeuring & Tours is dedicated to each and every one of its customers. We are “Always Committed to Excellence”.

Maria Caridad Yepez
Owner – SB Chauffeuring & Tours

Come and experience true Five Star Service Excellence where every customer is treated like a VIP!

Tours to Turkey

Designing the Perfect Package